About Rapid Results
Rapid Results is a new initiative developed by Food Processing Skills Canada to provide the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industry with real time data and information to assist with evidence-based business decisions and workforce development.
This initiative is part of a new program — Achieving Our Workforce Destination: Qualified People, Successful Careers & Competitive Business. Food Processing Skills Canada and partners developed this program to build on the success of Raising the Standards and Professionalizing the Food and Beverage Industry with real and practical resources that respond to today’s challenges.
Food Processing Skills Canada is recruiting hundreds of individuals from start-up companies, small to medium-sized enterprises, and multinational corporations located across Canada. Representation on the panel will be regional and sectoral. Panelists should be a senior member of their company, such as an owner or hold a management position and have a strong knowledge of HR and industry issues including recruitment, hiring, training and operations.
Industry Data. Right Now. With Rapid Results.
What’s in it for you?
In addition to providing the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industry with valuable information to guide future success, panellists will receive the following direct benefits:

Early access to all six sets of results, which will help in guiding business decisions and supporting Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications, for FREE.

Access to the results of two national consumer trend surveys and one survey of Canadian grocery retailers.

Up to six chances at winning a $500.00 Amazon gift card. After each survey, respondents will be automatically entered into a random draw.

Access to the HR Ready Portal. This includes over $2,000.00 worth of learning tools and resources for employers developed by and for the industry.
Six Rapid Surveys
Panellists are required to complete six, five minute online surveys on the following dates. Input from the panel will be analyzed and summarized in reports within a two week period.
May 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
September 30, 2023
November 30, 2023
January 31, 2024
March 31, 2024
Industry Input
Panelists from across Canada and representing the industry’s 11 sub-sectors will provide input on key issues impacting current and future business success.
Covering Key Issues
Key issues impacting Canada’s food and beverage manufacturing industry:

Labour shortages
Immigration/ temporary foreign workers
Vacancies/ turnover

Impacts of inflation and rising costs

Employee retention

Supply chain challenges

All input received from the Rapid Results Employer Opinion Panel will be anonymized prior to analysis, reported in aggregates, and neither names of respondents or companies will be disclosed.