LMI Questions

As a member of the Rapid Results Employer Opinion Panel, we will ask you the following questions as part of a repeating anonymous survey. In return, you will receive a report of aggregate data on this exact information from food and beverage processors across Canada to help guide your business decisions!

1. How many paid positions do you have at your facility?

2. How many paid positions at your facility are currently vacant?

3. How many departures have you had at your facility since March 31st, 2023?

4. How many new hires have you had at your facility since March 31st, 2023?

5. What is the starting wage today for a frontline worker in your facility?

6. Would you say that recruitment challenges since March 31st, 2023 have increased or decreased?

7. Since March 31st, 2023, what sources have your new hires come from? (Select all that apply)

  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFW)
  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
  • Employee referrals
  • Applications received through private job sites (e.g., Indeed, Monster)
  • Applications received through Government job sites like Job Bank, Ontario Jobs
  • Work integrated learning program (e.g., co-op, internship, apprenticeship)
  • Government employment programs for underrepresented groups (e.g., Indigenous Persons, Persons with a disability, immigrants)
  • Other (please specify) ________________

8. Since March 31st, 2023 has your business invested in automation, digitization or wireless interconnectivity in the following areas?)

Core production
Don't Know
Sales & marketing
Don't Know
Business operations (e.g., logistics, finance)
Don't Know
Training & professional development
Don't Know
Core production
Don't Know

9. Over the next six months, do you expect your business to invest in automation, digitization or wireless interconnectivity in the following areas?

Core production
Don't Know
Sales & marketing
Don't Know
Business operations (e.g., logistics, finance)
Don't Know
Training & professional development
Don't Know
Core production
Don't Know

10. Thinking about your business outlook for the next year, do you expect revenues to increase or decrease?

11. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

5-point scale: 1 – Strongly disagree, 3 – Neither, 5 – Strongly agree, Don’t know

  • I’m optimistic about the future of the Canadian food and beverage processing sector
  • I’m optimistic about the future of our business
  • Supply chain issues are having a major negative impact on our business
  • It’s getting more challenging to hire people
  • It’s getting more challenging to retain people
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